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Welcome to Kepl

Kadevi Engg Pvt Ltd is headed by a team of Engineers and Professionals having more than 25 years’ experience in the field of Pneumatic Telescopic Masts, Electro mechanical Masts, Push fit Guyed Masts and other allied products.

Our intensive in-house design and strong focus on manufacturing process and quality systems, enables us to supply high quality products and deliver cost effective timely solutions. We also offer customer specific solutions.



We commit to provide cost effective quality product and services through TQM

  • Enhancement of customer satisfaction by meeting customer requirements
  • Excellent design with ease and economy of manufacture
  • Build competence levels of employees through training and retraining
  • Development of suppliers to get right materials, at right time for right source at right place
  • Introduction of new methods and techniques of inspection and testing for improving results


What We Serve